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What happend to ArchiveReader??

edited June 2001 in General

we have a very strange problem:

our customers have then choice to print their invoices direct or printing
later from an archive. In tis case we are saving our invoices to files via

Report.AllowPrintToArchive := True;
Report.ArchiveFileName := Filename;
Report.Device := dvArchive;

When printing on a matrix-printer (e.g. Epson LQ-1050) with endless paper
following happens:

When printing from file via ArchiveReader the pages are shifted and are not
printed at the beginning of the paper.
When printing direct all works fine!

We are using Delphi5 RBuider V.5.52

In Version 4.22 ALL WAS CORRECT!!

So what has happend to ArchiveReader? What has changed? What must be to do
to get the old correct functionality? Its very annoying!

Thanks in advance

Klaus Leitloff


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