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How to disable TableAlias in DataDictionary?

edited September 2002 in End User
How ?? How to disable this feature from TppDataDictionary? I don't want to
use TableAlias. It's making my SQL alot of problem. I'm using Interbase,
there's no point for me to use TableAlias and it is causing some unnessesary
problems to my SQL.


  • edited September 2002
    The data dictionary helps show the tables aliases to the user. It does not
    affect the generated SQL. Therer is aliasing in the SQL that we perform,
    but it is not based on the data dictionary entries. Can you describe the
    problem that you are having in more detail? If it is an invalid SQL
    generation issue, then first make sure you are running the latest version of
    RB 7. If the problem persists, then please send us a demo or description of
    how we can reproduce the problem so that we can fix the SQL which is
    generated. Please send any examples to support@digital-metaphors.com


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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