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Rotated dbText fails to right-justify

edited January 2016 in General

Using D7Ent, RB17 build2 (can try with D10 Seattle if needed).

Single detail band with a ppImage (filling detail band) pre-loaded with
a label background.

Four ppDBText lines in detail band, all set as follows:

Angle := 90;
Font := Verdana; (size 10)
TextAlignment := taRightJustified;
Top := 0.264;
Width := 0.1776;
Height := 3;
Autosize:= false;
CharWrap:= false;
WordWrap:= false;
Anchors := [atLeft,atTop];
Transparent := True;

This is setup as a 4 inch wide by 6 inch long page.

The text lines are vertical, and should be "top justified".

Unfortunately, the text is sometimes justified, sometimes clipped, and
sometimes leaves a visible space at the end (top) of the line.

This is visible at design time as well as runtime, and varies depending
on the font used.

Any suggestions?

I have one label where I can rotate the image such that everything is
left justified, but I have others where there is text at both ends - so
need a left-justified set and a right-justified set.



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