Home Datapipelines

Dynamically created Pipelines

edited October 2002 in Datapipelines
I have extended the end-user designer by merging my own menu items. What I
do is build in my own form one or more SQL queries which in turn correspond
to a different pipelines. Using the Report\Data menu I assign my pipelines
to the main report and any subreports. I save my reports in a MDB file where
I also save my pipelines, queries and filters. When a report is loaded I
create the pipelines (together with the datasets and datasources). My
problem is that I cannot get the DataPipeLineNames of the main report and
other objects of the report so that I can assign the correct pipeline (the
property DataPipeLineName is declared as private).
Any ideas?


  • edited October 2002
    You don't need to use DataPipelineName. RB streams down the string value
    for the datapipeline when you save it. This is supposed to be "behind the
    scenes" type of implementation. You need to set the Report.Datapipeline
    object reference property to connect a report to a datapipeline.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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