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Before Print still being called after removed

edited March 2006 in Server

I have a report where I set up all of the events at runtime, no events are
attached at design time.

If there is an error I clear all of the events from the report, load a
different template and display error information.

However, even though I have the line


The before print procedure that I associated with the BeforePrint event
previously, is still being called.

Any ideas?




  • edited March 2006

    Where do you have the code that initializes the report? Are you using the
    ReportVolume.OnReportLoadEnd or the ReportVolume.BeforePublishReport event?

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited April 2006
    I initialise all reports at runtime through the BeforePublishReport event

  • edited April 2006

    You might try using the ReportVolume.OnReportLoadEnd event to initialize
    Report.BeforePrint to nil. Perhaps Report.BeforePrint is firing prior to

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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