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Subreports with different orientation in the same report

I have a that should have many different full reports, including an index. Some of that reports have portrait orientation, some landscape. I've been trying to use subreports as child. I can do it if they have the same orientation, but if not, there are many problems:
1. Using all like a child and ParentPrinterSetup=false, doesn't allow the oriention to be landscape
2. Changing all subreports to section, then Main Page Header doesn't show on that page, page numbering stays strange...

What is the best way to do it?

BTW, I have all of that subreports done before like independent reports. Is the a way to call them inside the main report?



  • My mistake: the subreports are not full reports, as they need to have the same heare, with continuos page numbering in all the report... So section doens't do it. Child doens't let to have diffrent page orintation then the report?
  • how to do report portrait and sub report landscape ?
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