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TableGrid Documentation

I wonder if there is any written documentation of TableGrid.
In the online reference manual class memebers are explained, but this is no substitute of some kind of usermanual.
When I try to compile the demos in c:\Users\Public\Documents\RBuilder\Delphi 10.2 Tokyo\Demos\1. Reports\ I am asked for the Firedac account information. I dont have such information and so the whole demos are unusable for me. The developers guide is from 2007 and does not contain actual information. The tutorials are not using Tablegrid.
It seems Tablegrid is almost undocumented.
Am I right ?


  • Hi Gerhard,

    The RBuilder Help topic for TppTableGrid includes information for using the TableGrid. Let me know what additional questions you have. I can also create a demo, let me know if there is something specific you would like to see.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • Hi Nard,
    what I am missing is some 'how to use tablegrid'.
    In Delphis Helpmenu I can access the Reportbuilder Reference. It is a good help if you need information about particular properties, methods and so on, in other words if you already know how to work with tablegrid.
    In the directory c:\Users\Public\Documents\RBuilder\Delphi 10.2 Tokyo\ there are three subdirectories named Demos, Developers Guide and Tutorials. None of them contains any information about tablegrid.
    Where do I find the RBuilder 'Help topic for TppTableGrid' ?

    What I need to know is how to setup the grid properly and how to populate it at runtime.
    When I create a new report and add a tablegrid I have the grid, three tablecolumns and 3 tablecells.
    Both tablegrid and tablecells have OnPrint events, that has the sender as Tobject as parameter. What is behind that sender object, it could be all.
    How can I fill the table with lines that fills three pages, for example ?
    Is there a way to connect the grid to a datasource or is it always filled programmatically ?
    I think is is not meanungfull to answer these questions one by one but instead have some written guide. An example is always a good idea, but not mandatory, if other information is available.

    Best Regards
    Gerhard Sachs

  • Hi Gerhard,

    I created the following rbWiki article on TableGrid Fundamentals, including a downloadable example. Please review and let me know what additional information you would like to see. I can enhance this article and/or create additional articles and examples.


    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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