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Testing IsNull

edited August 2002 in RAP

How do I testif a field is null using RAP?? I can't seem to find a
IsNull or similar function



  • edited August 2002

    try the following:

    if Datapipline.FieldObjects['FieldName'].IsNull ... (do something)


  • edited September 2002
    Hey, man

    Unfortunatelly, Report Builder don?t like to have null in the fields he
    works. So, RB put '' (empty string) in the field that have the NULL value. I
    cracked my brain to find this and, to make my work easyer, I registered a
    RAP function VarIsNull that tests if the field is '' and returns true.
    Hope this can help.

    Filipe Bortolini

  • edited September 2002
    duplicate message.
  • edited September 2002
    Hey, Chris

    I had to do it ?cause I?m working outside delphi, with the reports stored in
    a database . So, I
    can?t use DataPipeline or any of that stuff, only the rap functions.
    If you know a different way to do it,
    please tell me.
  • edited September 2002


    ... is pure RAP!

    Chris Ueberall;

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