DADE plugin for ODBCExpress using Delphi 7 + ReportBuilder 7.04

edited August 2004 in DADE

We have just changed to the following configuration: ODBCExpress 6.01,
Delphi 7.1, ReportBuilder 7.04.
The current DADE plugin is written to Delphi 6 and a different edition og
ReportBuilder (Probably version 6).
I have written the author, but he has no plans on updating the plugin.

Have anyone updated the plugin and would like to share it?

If not, can anyone supply me with some pointers for material that will help
me in doing this task?

Steffen Friismose


  • edited August 2004

    The DADE plug-ins all share the same architecture and override the same
    methods from the ancestor. For ReportBuilder 7 the architecture of the
    plug-ins had to be modified to support thread-safety (prior versions of RB
    are not thread safe). Some code was added to the Ancestor to provide some
    additional functionality that the descendants can leverage.

    Options for upgrading a plug-in:

    1. Compare the ODBCExpress plug-in code to the ADO plug-in, daADO.pas. Go
    through the entire unit line by line and modify the class methods to be the
    same. In the ODBCExpress plug-in, remove methods and stand alone functions
    that do not appear the in the ancestor.

    2. The other approach is to use the ADO plug-in as the starting point for
    creating the new ODBExpress plug-in. Save it down under a new unit name,
    modify the class names, etc. This approach may actually be faster. You can
    use search and replace to quickly modify the class names. You can modify
    ADOQuery to be the ODBCExpress equivalent, etc.

    Either way the task should be straight forward. Post any specific questions
    you have to this thread and I can help.....

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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