TdaMetaCache.GetFields: unable to find table xxx in cache

edited January 2004 in DADE
I am getting these error when I print report on some terminals. I am using
Delphi 7, RB 7, dbExpress, an MSSQL. I inspected the differences between
terminals. The only difference is MDAC version. On MDAC v2.6, v2.7 it works
fine. But v2.5 and v2.8 it's raizing an exception.
If some one can help, I will be very pleased.
Best Regards...


  • edited January 2004

    Try tracing the code in RBuilder\Source\daDBExpress.pas for the method
    TdaSQLSession.GetTableNames. You can do this by modifying your Dephi library
    path from RBuilder\Lib to RBuilder\Source.

    The daDBExpress.pas unit contains the DADE plug-in classes for dbExpress.
    This is all of the RB dbExpress related code that exists. The GetTableNames
    method calls TSQLConnection.GetTableNames.

    When you create a query DataView in DADE, the Designer.DataSettings are
    saved as part of the DataView definition. The Database name is part of this
    definition. The Database should correspond to the TSQLConnection.Name
    property value for the TSQLConnection used for the reports.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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