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Unable to format in Excel 2000

edited August 2011 in Devices
A related Excel formatting issue is when you click on the currency button
(In Excel 2000, 2003 and 2007) the cell does change to currency format but
it also reverts to the default font for the spreadsheet when editing a RB
Exported sheet. When you create a new sheet, change the font to something
other than default the cell font is retained when clicking the currency

RB 12.04 Server / Delphi 2007 / Oracle 10G


  • edited August 2011
    The RB XLS export is using Excel 97-2003 format, also known as BIFF8. There
    are cell attributes that get set for the data, font, display format, etc.

    I have Excel 2010 installed on my machine and do not have any issues editing
    cells. When I click on a cell, the toolbar is updated to reflect the font,
    text alignment, etc. When I right click over a cell and choose Format
    cells... the format dialog is displayed and reflects the cell font, display
    format, etc. I can click on currency and the format is changed, the font
    stays the same.

    If you can view cells, but not edit them, then perhaps Excel is running in a
    protected read-only mode.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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