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Error : TdaBDESession.GetBDESessionForDatabase: Cannot use then default Session for mult-threaded ap

edited December 2008 in Datapipelines
does i have to remove multi-threading from my application ?

may be there is a more simple thing to do ?


  • edited December 2008

    I do not recommend using the BDE for a multi-threaded application. The BDE
    is old technology that was not designed for multi-threaded applications.

    That said it can be done, but you need to create a thread-safe data
    environment. On the Form/DataModule that contains the Report, add a
    TDatabase and a TSession component. Set the TSession.AutoSessionName
    property to True. Set the TDatabase.SessionName to reference the session
    name rather than Default.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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