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IBObjects Pipeline

edited August 2008 in Datapipelines
I am looking for a TppIBOPipeline that works with IBObjects in RadStudio
Does anyone have an installation file for this?
There is a file on www.ibobjects.com named IBOPipelineD7_RB70.rar that looks
helpful but I cannot download the file for a reason I haven't sorted out

Russell Belding


  • edited August 2008
    Hi Russell,

    If you would like to use IBO with the data enviornment of ReportBuilder
    (DADE), all the necessary files are included in your installation. Take a
    look at the IBO demo located in the \RBuilder\Demos\4. EndUser
    Databases\Interbase\IBO\... directory. Inside you will find instructions on
    how to register and include the included IBO plugin for DADE.

    If you are not using DADE, there should be no need to obtain a special
    pipeline. The IBO data objects descend from TDataSet and are able to
    connect to the TppDBPipeline object in ReportBuilder.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited January 2010
    Thanks Nico for this reply.

    I am not using DADE and I do see how the TppDBipeline can be used, if I
    convert from TIB_Query to TIBOQuery. Doing this has disadvantages for me in
    a Delphi 6 to Delpi 2010 conversion task. I'd much prefer to have a
    TppIBOPipeline working for Delphi 2010.

    If anyone has done this, converted the older TppIBOPipeline up to Report
    Builder 11.x and Delphi 2010 I'd welcome a copy.

    Kind regards,

  • edited January 2010
    Hi Russell,

    We are not aware of anyone that has updated the TppIBOPipeline for RB 11 and
    Delphi 2010. You might try contacting the original developer to see if they
    have made any updates recently. Otherwise, hopefully another customer will
    post here with their experiences.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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