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Asta-Rbuilder Slow Behavior

edited November 2002 in End User
I Use Asta 2.6, RBuilder 6.03, Delphi 5, and I having problems with Asta
and RBuilder in a 64k internet conection, it takes a lot of time to open
the Rbuilder Explorer , I realize that it's because of the templates of
RB_ITEM, this performance is far acceptable.

It also takes a lot of time when I LoadFromDatabase a report , it opens
all tha Rb_tables , I think it brings from Asta all the records,
incluiding the templates for each report.

Does someboy know how to avoid this behavior ?

Thanks in advance

Gustavo Lennin


  • edited November 2002
    The ASTA client dataset lets you toggle the FetchBlobs and FetchMemos in the
    SQL options property. I know that some customers have done this to get it
    working faster. The reason is as you've said, when it is opened, is all the
    blobs are returned in the query when you show the report explorer.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited November 2002
    I have been trying to make it work , but I still can't do it, do you have the
    code, a demo or something or where can find it.


    Gustavo Lennin

  • edited November 2002
    I put this code :

    procedure TdmManager.ReportTemplateLoadStartEvent(Sender: TObject; S: TStream);
    var sBlob: String;
    MS: TMemoryStream;
    sBlob:= tblItem.FetchBlobString('rb_item', 'template', 'Where Item_Name=' +
    EntreComillas(tblItem.FieldByName('Item_Name').AsString ));
    MS:= NewStringToStream(sBlob);

    but it send a message something like 'template is not valid'

  • edited November 2002
    I've never tried it. I see you've posted on the ASTA newsgroups. Add to
    your post in which you would like to know how to implement this approach.
    Maybe someone over there can better help with their approach.

    Search www.tamaracka.com to find topics on this, because I know it has been
    reportedly done.

    You'll need to refresh the item dataset to get the blob. You may want to
    set a filter to only return that record with a blob, and then when you
    return to the report explorer, turn off the fitler and the FetchBlobs
    option. I'd have to try it to find out, but that would be my first approach
    to see if it would work.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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