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upgrade from Pro to Enterprise

edited June 2011 in General

I'm thinking about upgrading from RB12 Pro to Enterprise (Delphi XE), but I
would like to try a Enterprise DEMO app just to see the Calc tab in action.

Is there any DEMO compiled application to download?

If not...
Can I install RB12 Enterprise if RB12 Pro is already installed in the same



  • edited June 2011

    For future reference, please post using your real name.

    Your current version of RB will need to be removed in order to install
    and try RB Enterprise. You can either remove it manually (from the
    control panel) or let the Enterprise installer remove it for you.

    Once you have tested the trial edition, you can simply re-install the
    Professional version if needed.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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