separate Data section

edited August 2002 in DADE
it is possible to easily separate the DADE section out of the report
designer. Not removing it, but separate it as an individual module. The
reason is I want use the Query Wizard and data modelling section only, not
the designer ( not yet anyway). I do have the source and I don't mind going
to source to break it but will it affect the Query Wizard too much??

Oh ya, I also need the Data Modelling section. The one with the tables and
master detail relationship joins. I know you have a separate Query Wizard
but that is just not enough.



  • edited August 2002
    Be aware that DADE expects to be connected to a report. The classes which
    are DADE classes are all prefixed with da*. You might be able to create a
    report behind the scenes and just show a datamodule (TdaDatamodule)
    connected to that report. You can save datamodules as templates, just like a
    report template. If you go into DADE, you can select import/export to use
    this functionality out of the box. These files are .dtm files. You can
    save them to file of database, just like a report template (.rtm). This
    will be the way that you can save the dataviews that will be created by your
    app. Then when you load reports, you can load the dtm into the datamodule:

    procedure TForm1.LoadDataModule;
    lDataModule: TdaDataModule;

    lDataModule := daGetDataModule(ppReport1);

    lDataModule.Template.FileName := 'C:\Tech Support\Bug



    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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