AutoSearchField creation

edited August 2002 in DADE
Hi there,

Im using RB6 ent with D6 ent.


I would like to use a third party filter component (FilterBox by Dream Inc)
to supply search criteria for a report before it is executed. The Data is
defined using DADE and a dictionary.

When the report is launched, a filter dialog will be displayed allowing the
user to specify criteria for the datapipelines used in the report. On
closing the new filter dialog I would like to apply the conditions to the
datapipelines used by the report. I have identified 2 ways in which this can
be done .

1) Modify the SQL to add the WHERE clause

2) Generate the equivalent AutoSearhFields for the specified filter


a) What methods and properties do I use to modify the SQL directly?
b) If I modify the SQL directly, will I always loose the tabs (except the
SQL tab) in query designer ?

c) Is it better to make use of AutoSearchFields rather than manipulate the
SQL directly? Ive tried a few examples and the SQL generated at run time is
more intelligent when AutoSearchFields have been used. It seems to add
linked filter conditions to detail datasets which makes the queries more

Many thanks,


  • edited August 2002
    Aftert you get the values from the dialog, you'll need to extract hte SQL
    object and add criteria fields via the TdaSQL methods. Here is an example
    whihc extracts the sql object and adds search criteria. This way you won't
    lose the query designer tabs. You'll only lose those if you edit the SQL as
    text, which we aren't going to do in an example I'm going to email to you,
    since our FTP server is down this morning.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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