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Getting the ID of currently selected folder?

edited November 2002 in End User
How do I retrieve the ID of the current selected folder in the Report
Explorer? CurrentFolderID doesn't work since, according to the help
file, it returns "...the FolderId of the folder for the most recently
*edited* report."

Thanks in advance,

Ed Vander Hoek


  • edited November 2002
    Ed Vander Hoek wrote:

    Ok, I've managed to retrieve the FolderID by directly accessing the tree
    view. This approach is a bit ugly, but it works. Is there a better way
    of doing this?

    Also, I need to programmatically add a new report to the Report
    Explorer. I initially tried TppReportExplorer.New but that automatically
    invokes the designer which is undesirable in this case. I'm now
    attempting to use TppReportExplorer.SaveReport which works well except
    that the new report isn't displayed in the list view until you move to a
    different folder and then back again. Is there any way to refresh the list?

    Thanks in advance,

    Ed Vander Hoek
  • edited November 2002
    Hi Ed,

    I would simply append a record in the item dataset.

    Chris Ueberall;
  • edited November 2002
    You could create a descendent form to get at more information. Then you
    could access the TppReportExplorerForm.ListView.FolderID property. The
    ListView is a protected property of the TppReportExplorerFrom class which
    you could surface, which might be what you're looking for. There is an
    example of replacing the report explorer form in the Tutorials directory of
    the installation.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited November 2002
    To refresh the list, you could try calling



    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited November 2002
    Chris Ueberall [TeamDM] wrote:

    Would the report list automatically update as a result of appending a
  • edited November 2002
    Jim Bennett (Digital Metaphors) wrote:

    Thanks for the suggestion, Jim. I tried a similar approach - I retrieved
    the FolderID from the Data property of the currently selected node in
    the folder tree, however your solution is a bit cleaner.


  • edited November 2002
    Jim Bennett (Digital Metaphors) wrote:

    This almost works. Unfortunately after doing the refresh a different
    folder is displayed. For example, if I select the "Invoicing" folder,
    preview a report, select the "Accounts" folder, and create a new report,
    then after the refresh the "Invoicing" folder will be displayed rather
    than the "Accounts" folder.

    I tried using:

    TReportExplorerForm(FReportExplorer.Form).ListView.FolderId := folderID;

    to refresh the report list, and this /might/ be working - I'm not sure
    yet. I occasionaly receive an access violation when I delete a report
    and I'm not sure if that AV is caused by how I'm refreshing the list.
    Are there any known issues with deleting reports?


  • edited November 2002
    There are no known issues with deleting reports in the report explorer. We
    generally recommend using the report explorer visual interface to update the
    folder and item end user tables. But you should be able to do it in code
    since that is what we do behind the scenes. Before launching the report
    explorer, can you successfully create/remove the items and folders and have
    it all working when you launch the report explorer afterwards? Are you
    using a custom report explorer form?


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited November 2002
    Jim Bennett (Digital Metaphors) wrote:

    I haven't tried this. I can tell you that the AV error occurs in the
    ComCtrls.pas file, line 6205 (Delphi 5, Update Pack 1):
    procedure TTreeNode.SetImageIndex(Value: TImageIndex);
    Item: TTVItem;
    FImageIndex := Value;
    with Item do
    mask := TVIF_IMAGE or TVIF_HANDLE;
    hItem := ItemId;
    iImage := FImageIndex;
    TreeView_SetItem(Handle, Item);

    The first Owner in the marked line is nil.

    The call stack is:
    TppReportExplorerForm.UpdateRecylceBin <--- spelling ;)

    I'm using Delphi 5 Update Pack 1, Win XP, RB 7, BDE, Oracle 8i, ComCtrls
    version 5.82 (xpsp1.020828-1920).

    I'm using the standard form, but I'm assigning my own event handlers for
    the ppmReportsNewReport, ppmReportsDesign, and spbNewReport OnClick
    events. This allows me to display our own report wizard rather than the
    end-user designer. I realize that I could invoke our wizard from within
    the designer, but the designer is a bit intimidating for a novice end user.

    Thanks for your help, Jim.

  • edited November 2002
    Ed Vander Hoek wrote:

    Ok, I may have found the problem. FRecycleBinNode was pointing to an
    invalid node.

    This was caused by changing the parent of the form in the
    TppReportExplorer's OnCreate event. This apparently (no pun intended)
    causes the TTreeView to recreate its nodes. FRecycleBinNode will not be
    reinitialized until UpdateTreeView is called. Since the code to delete
    an item doesn't call UpdateTreeView, a AV occurs.

    What I don't understand is why it only happens intermittently...

    Calling TppRefportExplorerForm.Refresh seems to resolve the problem. Eg:

    procedure TForm1.reportExplorerCreate(Sender: TObject);
    frm: TppReportExplorerForm;
    before: TTreeNode;
    frm := (reportExplorer.Form as TppReportExplorerForm);

    before := frm.trvFolders.Items[0];

    frm.Parent := self;

    if before <> frm.trvFolders.Items[1] then ShowMessage( 'Nodes changed' );

    frm.Align := alClient;
    frm.BorderStyle := bsNone;
    frm.BorderIcons := [];
    frm.Visible := True;
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