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AV when using a custom preview plugin

edited December 2015 in General
another issue I just discovered (RB 16.01, Delphi XE7):
when showing the reports in a custom viewer plugin, an AV occurs on the
first pass in

ppViewr, TppViewer.Resize
at "if GetParentForm(Self).WindowState = wsMinimized then Exit;"
because "GetParentForm(Self)" returns nil on the first pass.

If I add the check "if assigned(GetParentForm(Self)) then begin", it
works fine.

Do I have to change a setting somehwere so that it works without the
check, or is (was) this a bug?

Best regards,


  • edited December 2015
    Hi Mark,

    The resize logic has been redesigned for RB 17 and this issue has been

    Moving forward we hope you will consider upgrading to ReportBuilder 17
    with subscription. This will ensure that you always have the latest
    fixes, enhancements, and features.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.