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ANN: ReportBuilder 16.03 is now available!

edited August 2015 in General

Digital Metaphors Corporation announces the release of ReportBuilder 16.03!

ReportBuilder 16.03 includes VCL support for Delphi XE8, XE7, XE6, XE5, XE4,
XE3, XE2, XE, Delphi 2007, and Delphi 7.

Overview: http://www.digital-metaphors.com/rbwiki/General/What's_New/RB_16

New Feature List: http://www.digital-metaphors.com/PDF/NewFeatures.pdf

Pricing: http://www.digital-metaphors.com/order

Upgrade here! https://www.digital-metaphors.com/secure

Bug Fixes for RB 16.03

- DataTree, Drag & drop, not honoring layout settings font color/style
- DataDialog, Fix for legacy reports w/Detail.DataPipeline <> nil
- TextSearchSettingsDialog, Ok/Cancel buttons not positioned correctly
- TableGrid, TableGrid/Row need to disable color palette tool buttons
- TableGrid, Enhanced to support Cell.Transparent

- Text, Sometimes misaligned when printed after certain components
- Group, PreventOrphans sometimes results in infinite page generation
- Report, fix Delphi design-time AV that can loading old reports
- Bands, template load fix for Border.Visible prop value
- Barcode, UPC w/AddOn, check-digit should be rendered after UPC, not AddOn
- GMap, Removed SHDocVw from uses (turns off floating pt overflow
- TableGrid, Added Cell.Transparent property

- Fix Group RestPageNo case when group header spans multiple pages

- Preview, PageCache resdesign to resolve intermittent file access errors
- Preview, Disable accessory popup menu when Outline & Thumbnails disabled
- PrintDialog, Modified to support Delphi styles
- PDF, Fonts w/non-latin names not always embedded correctly
- PDF, Metafile, highlighted text occasionally corrupted the pen object
- PDF, Metafile, improved text alignment logic
- PDF, Metafile, fixed rotated text position issue
- PDF, form fields now use actual font size rather than autofit text
- PDF, Improved WorldTransform logic to handle graphics state resets
- PDF, Enhanced merging logic when empty reports are encountered
- RTF, Textbox memos were not honoring manual carriage returns
- Xls/XlsxData, Did not honor Report.PrinterSetup
- Xls/XlsxReport, Fix for case when two text elements have same Left
- Xls/XlsxReport, When text empty, do not add cells to worksheet
- XlsxWriter, Fix range check error

------> Professional <----------

- QueryDesigner, Fix column sort when DataDictionary used
- QueryDesigner, Fix column sort index out of bounds error
- daIBO, Updated DADE plug-in for Interbase Objects (IBO)

------> Enterprise <----------

- RAP Before/AfterPrint not always called when printing from preview
- Fix for 'as' operator support, added check for (aObject <> nil)

Digital Metaphors Corporation
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