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Range Check Error - xlsx export

edited July 2015 in General
I have delphi xe7, 16.02 enterprise edition of the report writer.

On certain machines (not all), when printing to an xlsx file, I get a
range check error. xls works fine and on some machines, both xls and
xlsx get the ramge check error. Any ideas as to why?


  • edited July 2015
    Hi Jeff,

    There is a RB 16.02 patch available that resolves a range check error in
    Xlsx export. I emailed you the patch.

    There are no known issues with Xls export causing a range check error. If
    you would like to create a simple example project that I can build and run
    here in the debugger, I can research it. Please use standard Delphi
    components and RB. Copy data to TClientDataSets. Send in zip format -
    include only .dpr, .pas, .dfm. Send to support@

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2015
    Typo in my email, sorry. xls works fine everywhere (before patch). Got
    patch, thanks

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