Home Datapipelines

two pipeline for report template

edited September 2002 in Datapipelines
could i have two or more pipeline on the report template ?
i have one pipeline , plReports , to retrieve the report template from the
interbase .The code shown as below:

ppReport : TppReport;
ppReport := TppReport.Create(Self);
ppReport.Template.DatabaseSettings.DataPipeline := plReports;
ppReport.Template.DatabaseSettings.NameField := 'rp_report_name';
ppReport.Template.DatabaseSettings.TemplateField := 'rp_report';
ppReport.Template.DatabaseSettings.Name := Name;
ppViewer1.Report := ppReport;

i need to insert some criteria statement, before i load the report template
to the ppViewer1. could i have one or more pipeline to relate report
template , so that i could set the where clause or other query condition for
simple report or master-detail report ? how to do it?



  • edited September 2002
    Yes, you can connect the report up to a different data pipeline to get its
    data than the one which was used to load the template. You'll connect the
    master data pipeline to the main report. Then connect the detail data
    pipeline to a subreport in the report. See the master detail section of the
    developer's guide for info on creating master detail reports. The
    developer's guide is a pdf located in your installation. There are also
    autosearch demos in your RBuilder\Demos\Autosearch directory. These
    examples show how you can set a table filter or update the where clause on a


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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