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Change TppDrawText.Text at runtime from archived report

edited December 2010 in General

I want to change the .Text prop off some drawcommands (TppDrawText) at
runtime from an archived report when the report is previewed.

what i did so far:
-using the TppArchiveReader.OnReadPage event i put all approriate
DrawCommands.Clickable to True, otherwise i can't click on them during
-using the TppArchiveReader.OnDrawCommandClick i know now which DrawCommand
is goin 2 be changed. I change the .Text prop and set .RedrawPage to True

Problem now is the report is generated back from the ArchivedFile and all
changes i made are gone. How can i solve this?

Filip Moons


  • edited December 2010
    If you want to modify a DrawCommand and have the changes appear in the
    Viewer, try calling


    The ArchiveReader handles page requests by reading pages from the archive
    file. Setting DrawCommand.RedrawPage causes the Viewer to re-request the

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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