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Canceling preview of report

edited November 2010 in General
I'm showing a report to the user, using a custom frame with a TppViewer on
When the user presses the CAncel button, ppViewer.CAncel is called and processing
seems to stop.

When the user then presses the Next page button, ppViewer.NextPage is executed
and generation of the whole report is started, in stead of just the Next
Page. How do i instruct the viewer (or the report) to just generate the requested
page and stop generating after that?



  • edited November 2010
    Hi Bas,

    Once you cancel the report, you no longer have access to the pages
    generated. Notice that when you cancel in the Previewer, the ability to
    navigate is removed once the cancel button is pressed. Making a call the
    NextPage will see that the report has not been printed and generate it so
    that the report can be viewed and navigated again.

    If perhaps you can keep track of which page the user cancels the report, you
    could possibly use the Viewer.GotoPage routine to print and go to a specific


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited November 2010
    Hello Nico,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Does that mean that a GotoPage() does not start generating the report if
    it has been cancelled?
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