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edited September 2010 in General
In the manual 11.x of RB i found the method "SendEscape" of the printer
object. So i have build a passthrough to bring this methos to RAP. I used
the Event OnPrinterDeviceStateChange inside RAP and there the "aStateChange
= dsAfterStartPage" event.

With the Escape-Command i want to send special chars to the printer in that
case print a Datamatrix Barcode command (which is handled nativly by the
printer). But this command was not received by the printer. The Printer
driver has the possibility of saving logfiles and also there was nothing in
from myEscape-Command. It seems that "SendEscape" did not send nothing to
that Printer.

Is there another event of sending Esc-Commands?

Best regards
EULANDA ERP solutions


  • edited September 2010
    I recommend first finding a solution that works for Delphi code and then as
    a second incremental step, migrate the solution to RAP code.

    The TppPrinter.SendEscape method internally calls the Windows Escape
    function, which passes commands directly to the printer driver.

    The Report OnDeviceStateChange event was designed to fire at many different
    stages of the generation process, it is the best event to use for calling

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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