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Barcode in PDF

edited May 2010 in General
Using Delphi 7 and RB 10 we are printing a report with a barcode in it. It
reads fine. When we print straight to a PDF using the following code the
barcode is slightly fuzzy and will not read most of the time.

FppReport.TextFileName := vFilePath+vExportFileName;
FppReport.DeviceType := 'PDF';
fppReport.PDFSettings.OpenPDFFile := False;
fppReport.PDFSettings.OptimizeImageExport := False;
fppReport.PDFSettings.ScaleImages := False;
FppReport.ModalCancelDialog := False;
FppReport.ModalPreview := False;
FppReport.SavePrinterSetup := False;
FppReport.SaveAsTemplate := False;
FppReport.ShowAutoSearchDialog := False;
FppReport.ShowCancelDialog := False;
FppReport.ShowPrintDialog := False;


Please help


  • edited May 2010

    I recommend upgrading from RB 10 to RB 12.

    The RB 10 PDF export converts barcodes and charts to a bitmap.

    The RB 11 and RB 12 PDF export is more advanced and includes support for
    vector graphics.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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