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print preview without data

edited June 2001 in General
When I use TTable with print preview, it is no problem becasue RB can get
the data and field by TTable and pipeline. But when I switch to use TQuery
(select * from a,b where...) and assign the field to RB object manually, the
preview not works (could not generate report).

Q: can RB just print the preview without getting data (just left it blank)
in this case, so that we, the developers, can view what the report output

Delphi5, RB5.5


  • edited June 2001
    Connect the datasource to a dbGrid on a form to verify that the query works.
    Check the datapipeline property on the report. Check to make sure the
    components in the report are connected to the new pipeline and the proper
    fields- perhaps they became disconnected.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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