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QR Code with image

Is it possible to make a QR Code with an image likte this?


  • Hi Thomas,

    It is possible to simply place a TppImage on top of a QRCode in ReportBuilder to get this effect. Below is an example of a QRCode with an image.

    - use 2DBarCode to define the QRCode

    - use Image to load the logo and size it.

    - select both objects and use the align toolbar buttons marked in red to align the horizontal and vertical centers.


    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited May 2020
    Hi Nico,
    thank you for your answer.
    But the next problem is the "codeversion" and the "ECC-Level". I have always get a message "Insufficient Code Version /ECC Level.
    When must I set the code Version?
    I should work with Binary, ErrorLevel M and the maximum of Data ist 997 Characters.
    I want to print this data.

    LsData: string;
    LsData :=
    'SPC' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    '0200' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    '1' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    'CH4431999123000889012' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    'S' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    'Robert Schneider AG' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    'Rue du Lac' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    '1268' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    '2501' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    'Biel' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    'CH' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    '' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    '' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    '' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    '' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    '' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    '' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    '' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    '1976.55' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +

    'CHF' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    'S' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    'Pia-Maria Rutschmann-Schnyder' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    'Grosse Marktgasse' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    '28' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    '9400' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    'Rorschach' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    'CH' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    'QRR' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    '210000000003139471430009017' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    'Auftrag vom 15.06.2020' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    'EPD' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    '//S1/10/10201409/11/200701/20/140.000-53/30/102673831/31/200615/32/7.7/33/7.7:139.40/40/0:30' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    'Name AV1: UV;UltraPay005;12345' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    'Name AV2: XY;XYService;54321' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
    //rbbarcode1.barcode := Lsdata;
    bc1.Data := LsData;
    bc1.QRCodeSettings.CodeVersion := 25;
  • Hi Thomas,

    See the following article on how to enable all QRCode versions.


    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • Hi Nico,

    now it work's.
    Thank you
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