New Blog Posts: Merging Reports - Part 1 and Part 2

Reportbuilder 20 Firebird 1.5 problem - Clause ROWS

edited August 2021 in DADE
Hi, When I creating query in query builder, mistake occurs after post "..... Token unknow line 6, char 1 ROWS"
Word "ROWS" is not visible at tab sql text. I konw, Firebird 1.5 unknows clause Rows, but the word should not be there.
In RB 19 is all fine.

Please where is problem ? Thank


  • Hi George,

    RB SQL validation uses Row Limit to optimize where supported. I emailed specifics on disabling this for Firebird, it requires modifying the source code.

    Going forward best solution is to upgrade to latest Firebird.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • Thank you :)

    I must try it :) I cannot upgrade Firebird on higher version :(
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