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Opening RTU file directly in ReportBuilder

I have an RTU file that I would like to open in the ReportBuilder directly. When I open it now it just shows me the code in the RTU file and I can't find a way to get to the editor.

I am extremely new to Delphi.


  • Sidenote: I am using the Delphi 11.3 Community edition.
  • Hi Aydin,

    After installing ReportBuilder, open a report by placing a TppReport component on a Delphi form, double click and select File | Open from the main menu of the report designer.

    I highly suggest reading the Developer's Guide and working through the provided tutorials include with ReportBuilder. This is a great starting point to understanding how ReportBuilder works with Delphi.
    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • So there is no way to open that view directly when starting the application? I wanted to start the ReportBuilder process from another application and show the designer immediately.
  • My intent is to open a specific RTU file in the RBuilder directly without any in-between steps if possible.
  • Hello Aydin,

    this is all possible but you need to read the Developer's Guide and look over some tutorials.

    Brgds, Yusuf
    Yusuf Zorlu
    MicrotronX - Speditionssoftware vom Profi
  • Hello microtronx,

    I have the developer guide but can't find any references to directly opening a file. Anything related to file opening seems to happen manually after the program has started. I have looked for terms like "process", "directly", "open", "command" in any combination.
  • I originally wanted to open a RTU file from C#, but I can probably also use the C# to call a Delphi dll and then use that to open the file. But I can't seem to find a way to open the reportbuilder programatically with a file ready.
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