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New Blog Posts: Merging Reports - Part 1 and Part 2



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AUDAX d.o.o.


  • Hi Nard,
    the problem is that I could not compile Your code so I have to update it a bit, hopefully working properly. So far it works. Otherwise, my print preview is descendand of TppPreview:

    TppMyPrintPreview = class(TppP…
  • Hi Nard,
    thank You very much, it helped. I must admit that I next day I wrote the question I found out where the problem lied. If the report has set property to open maximized (PreviewFormSettings.WindowState) then the report always opened on t…
  • Sorry for the messed up code in ... I typed the message in Notepad++ and copied it here as the FireFox stopped responding twice while typing.
  • Hi Nico,
    I investigated the problem further after sending the question. I already solved it but it required intervention in my software.

    The problem was with the field value for the signature image (AutoSize = False) was never compl…
  • Hi Nard,
    I am glad You could reproduce the issue and I shall upgrade to RB 21.04 as soon as possible.

    Best regards,
  • Hi Nard,
    first of all thank You for the patch, I'll update the installation.

    About no. 2. All my reports are in mm. One variant to reproduce the issue or efect is for example this. I open one saved report report. Now change the zoom…
  • Hi Nard,

    don't bother, I solved the problem. The mask bitmap did not work, at least not as black&white image. So I convereted the bitmap image to transparent PNG and now I use slightly different code. Maybe it will help somebody.
  • Hi Nard,
    I tried many variants and yes, the first one is close to what I need but the transparency does. It is relatively okay with silver skin since what should be transparent is in silver but is visible.

    The second call is better b…
  • Hi Nard,

    thank You very much for this patch. I have applied it and test it in the application and I can say it works!

    Best regards,
  • Hi Nard,
    thank You for Your response. I shall update it next week as soon as we release the version and I shall report back.

    Best regards,
  • Hi Nico,

    thank You very much for help. I've done as You proposed and indeed the breakpoint in ppWWRichEd.pas did it's job but no images were printed. With components from WPTools and TRichView I got images and tables. Seems that later two…
  • Hi,
    I got a permission to choose one of the components You suggest to buy and use with our application. With the newest TdxRichEditControl from DevExpress all of them are having problems. TRichView and WPTools are being tested but I am not sure…
  • Hi Nico,
    thank You for the answer. I was hoping that new component is not needed since (at least) Windows 10 natively already supports RTF with tables and images but okay, I'll try to find some solution. I will keep fingers crossed that RTF in …
  • Hi mr. Moseley,

    thank You for this explanation. Unfortunatelly the matter is not resolved for me. I modified the rbuilder.ini file with AutoSave=0 and today it again asked me if I want to recover autosaved report. I started the applicatio…
  • Hi Nico,

    I played with this report a bit but fixed section simply does not work. For updated third attempt, I have done as follows.
    Master dataset is dataset with one record only and has only data of the company.
    Detail dataset …
  • Hi Nico,

    I have looked at that routine, yes and I was wondering as well why the resource can't be found. Maybe due to the Windows 10 (build 1709), don't know. I finally modified the routine as below and it works. The only thing I am uncer…
  • Hi Nico,
    thank You for Your answer but unfortunately it does not work. Neither of Your ideas. As first attempt I did like this:
    - Main: no pipeline, only Detail band visible, in it only one subreport with print behaviour pbFixed of 148,5 m…