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Expand All & Duplicate Labels in Subreports

edited November 2002 in Subreports

I wondered if anyone could shed some light on two problems I'm having at

The first is related to the ExpandAll function for DrillDown subreports.
What I'm interested in is to be able to collapse individual subreports after
an ExpandAll call, as well as the opposite (i.e. expanding individual
subreports after setting ExpandAll to false). I've already had some
correspondence with Jim Bennett from DigitalMetaphors about this, and he was
kind enough to send me an example file (ReverseDrillDowns.zip). However,
I'm not sure this demo does exactly what I want - please excuse me if I'm
just being a bit dim.

The example expanded all subreports on the launch of the main report in such
a way that each could be expanded and collapsed individually. What I've got
is lots of nested drilldown subreports that can all be collapsed and
expanded individually.. However I wanted to add two `buttons' (actually I
was going to use a label's DrawCommandClick event), one to expand all nested
subreports and one to collapse them all. When I originally tried this
merely using the report's ExpandAll property I found out via this newsgroup
that you couldn't by default expand individual subreports separately once
you'd set ExpandAll to false (or the opposite - collapsing individual
subreports following an ExpandAll). I can see that the ReverseDrillDowns
example works well when expanding all subreports at the start, but when I
try to replicate the key code in the appropriate event, it doesn't seem to

{ TForm1.CreateExpansions }
{ Loops through list of subreport instance ExpansionKeys to create
for each. Note that when ExpandAll is set to True, no expansions are
so we use this method to force the expansions to be created. }
procedure TForm1.CreateExpansions;
liIndex: Integer;
for liIndex := 0 to FSubreportList.Count - 1 do
end; { procedure, CreateExpansions }

{ TForm1.FormCreate }
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
FSubreportList := TStringList.Create;
end; { procedure, FormCreate }

{ TForm1.FormDestroy }
procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
end; { procedure, FormDestroy }

{ TForm1.ppReport1BeforePrint }
procedure TForm1.ppReport1BeforePrint(Sender: TObject);
FExpansionComplete := False;
end; { procedure, ppReport1BeforePrint }

{ TForm1.ppReport1EndFirstPass }
{ We only want to create all the expansions once, so we check
Once we are through with this, we need to set PassSetting back to
so we don't regenerate the report everytime a subreport is expanded or
collapsed. }
procedure TForm1.ppReport1EndFirstPass(Sender: TObject);
if not FExpansionComplete then begin
ppSubreport1.ExpandAll := False;
ppReport1.PassSetting := psOnePass;
FExpansionComplete := True;
end; { procedure, ppReport1EndFirstPass }

{ TForm1.ppSubReport1Print }
{ Each time the expanded subreport prints, get its ExpansionKey and add it
the list. }
procedure TForm1.ppSubReport1Print(Sender: TObject);
if not ((ppSubReport1.Overflow) and (FExpansionComplete)) then
end; { procedure, ppSubReport1Print }

procedure TForm1.ppLabel1DrawCommandClick(Sender, aDrawCommand: TObject);
ppSubreport1.ExpandAll := False;

Nothing happens when I click on the label in the preview form; what am I
doing wrong? It's also not clear from the example how to collapse
individual subreports (i.e. what's the opposite of the AddExpansion call?).

The other (unrelated) problem I've got - and sorry to go on for so long - is
to do with one of my subreports.

It;s just got a region with some labels in, but everything appears twice
when the subreport is expanded. There appears to be no rhyme or reason for
this, as I've got two similar subreports, on containing the problem one and
one contained by it. Both of these only show their regions and labels once.
I've even tried cutting and pasting the region from one OK subreport to the
problem one, but everything is still duplicated. Have you any idea what can
be causing this behaviour?

Thanks for any light you can shed on these matters.


Terry Hoggart


  • edited November 2002

    The feature that you want isn't included in RB. RB is very flexible, so it
    may be possible to code it outside of RB's library.

    You're not dim, the fact is that my custom coded "tip" doesn't quite work
    correctly all the time:) When we're doing tech support, we try to put
    ourselves in your shoes in order to get you something to work with even if
    RB can't do it out of the box. We may decide that we could code around the
    problem with a tip which bends RB a little this way and that way, but we're
    just trying to get you a possible solution instead of saying that it isn't
    doable in RB and we won't code it. Pretty much anyting is possible in RB
    because it is so flexible. We know that it is very flexible and so sometimes
    we feel like we could code the feature request in a half hour or so, and may
    decide we make an attempt at it just to see what we can code. One day I
    coded DrillDownHistory.
    http://www.digital-metaphors.com/tips/DrillDownHistory.zip Sometime later,
    and feeling confident, the ExpandAll/Collapse question came up and I made
    some progress, but not quite getting it finished in a good fully functional
    tip. http://www.digital-metaphors.com/tips/DrillDownExpandAllProj.zip

    The tip does show that you can control the keys, and that you can control
    the engine to regenerate pages as the drill downs are expanded and
    collapsed. By default, ExpandAll is exactly that, it expands all the
    subreports and they are only shown that way. The subreports are not
    recollapsable in RB out of the box using the ExpandAll feature. When I made
    this tip I was shooting from the hip and came up with the KeyMaster class.
    It doesn't work quite right yet, but it is a good head start. I looked at it
    again breifly today and made a TppPrintPreview replacement to surface the
    TppPreviewPlugin object to get at the KeyMaster. I've pointed you towards
    the latest project I have, which should run, but there are some bugs in this
    tip. I'll give it to you to examine and let me know if you can take it and
    get it working. I'll be more than happy to help answer any questions or
    point you in the right direction, but as far as coding more of it, we'd
    really need to examine the other feature request and prioritize them before
    coding any features which take significant effort all the way to Digital
    Metaphors standards. Thankyou for your understanding.

    You second problem is probably related to the report engine being confused
    about the bookmarks it has on the dataset. I didn't closely examine you
    code, but I think it is related. If the bookmarks are screwed up, thenthe
    report engine may think there are multiple records when there is really only
    one. You'd have to provide an example to support@digital-metaphors.com for
    us to debug without the expand all logic included.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited November 2002
    Hi Jim,

    Thanks very much for taking the time and trouble to give me such a detailed

    To deal with the second problem first, I've actually made that go away by
    disconnecting the subreport from the datapipeline at design time (all the
    components were TppLabels that had the text assigned dynamically by their
    GetText methods anyway). No idea why that worked, but it's fine now anyhow.

    As for the other matter, thanks for drawing my attention to those other
    examples of yours. I'll have a look at them and let you know how I get on.
    I'm currently still using RB6 although I have purchased RB7 now, but it
    looks like from your reply that this feature is not available in RB7 either


    Terry Hoggart

  • edited November 2002
    It is still a "tip." It isn't a feature in RB 7.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

This discussion has been closed.