Home Subreports

Subreports disappear.

edited October 2002 in Subreports

I have problem with D5Pro and RB7Pro in case subreports don't have records.
My report setup is like this:

Main report's detail band contains an region with few labels, DBText and
DBMemo components (some of them are inside ohter "child" regions) and
two subreports of pbChild type. First subreport is set to be
ShiftRelativeTo to main region and second one is relative to first. All
reports are linked to different TppJITPipeline components.
I update subreports' RecordCount in main pipeline's
OnRecordPositionChange event.

The problem is, that in case of empty subreport(s) entire report is
messed up. For examle if main pipeline has 4 records and subreports
should have record count like:
first : 2,1,0,0
secont: 1,0,0,1
then what I see is:

RecNo MainRep Sub1 Sub2
0 yes 2 no
1 yes 1 no
2 no no no
3 no no no

So subreport 2 is missing always and after first subreport with rec
count 0 nothing prints. Hovewer if I add 5th record where both
subreports have rec count 1 then what I get is

RecNo MainRep Sub1 Sub2
0 yes 2 1
1 yes 1 no
2 no no no
3 no no no
4 yes 1 1

So first two and last record are OK while 2 and 3 still missing. Any
idea how to fix this?

PS. Just before posting I tested case where I added code like

SubRep1.Visible:= Pipeline1.RecordCount > 0;
SubRep2.Visible:= Pipeline2.RecordCount > 0;

into OnRecordPositionChange event and now only record 2 is missing.
Still, I feel it should work without these lines too.



  • edited October 2002
    Check the SkipWhenNoRecords property of the detail datapipelines. This
    controls whether or not the main report prints a record when there is no
    detail data to print. Set this property set to False on your detail


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2002

  • edited October 2002
    It should print the second subreport. I tried reproducing the problem, but
    it seems to work correctly. Here is a template that connects to DBDemos
    that is configured in the way I think you have your report configured for
    this case. Download it and see if you can configure this report to show the
    problem. Email the changed template that shows the problem to



    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2002

  • edited October 2002
    You are setting the record count of the detail data pipelines when the main
    data pipe changes record positions, in your attempt to create a master
    detail relationship. You can create a master detail relationship with a JIT
    pipeline as shown by in our main report demo #139.

    If your report is a one pass report, then the subreports will not disappear.
    So, the problem is in the second pass. Since your JIT pipelines are not
    master detail data pipelines, they aren't getting reset for the second pass.
    You can call their Close methods in the main report's OnEndFirstPass event
    and it will begin working correctly because the report will open them to
    start the second pass through the data. The other alternative is to use the
    mater detail functionality as shown in the demo #139.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2002

  • edited October 2002
    Yes, I saw that it needed to be two pass, I was just testing the report. I
    believe that you need to build the JIT pipelines so that the master detail
    relationship is like that of the demo. The JIT pipeline record count should
    include the total number of detail records for the entire report and that
    the MasterDataPipeline and MasterFieldLinks properties determine the master
    records for which the details belong.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2002

  • edited October 2002
    If you aren't going to know the number of detail records, then you should
    remove the field links on the data pipelines and create the dataset
    differently by creating grouped data in a single JITPipeline. The master
    detail linking requires that the total number of detail records be known
    beforehand so that it can propertly traverse through them as a single
    dataset. Your single JIT report is going to be simliar to one using a
    joined dataset from a SQL query. This way you can create the records and
    control the breaks by setting the group break value.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2002

  • edited October 2002
    If I had to do it, I would make one pass through your "dataset" to calculate
    and retrieve the master and detail data and place it in memory datasets for
    the currently selected report. You really should tie a pipeline to a report
    or report template. The pipeline needs to have its field object created
    based on the dataset. How are you handling field creation for the different
    datafields on the JIT? If you have a large selection of reports on a form
    or report templates that you load, it might make sense to locate them in
    different TDatamodules.

    An alternative to this is to build the memory datasets and the pipelines all
    on the fly based on the report's data access structure information which is
    stored in a database table. Surf Torry's Delphi pages for some memory
    dataset components that are popular. Then you can link the datasets
    together in a master detail relationship for your report. The reason for
    using memory datasets is mainly that your JITPipeline calculates the detail
    records, or gets them from some data sturcture, which probably takes time.
    If the report is to be run multiple times, then this is not optimized.
    Placing the data in a memory dataset will make subsequent data access times
    much faster than having to rebuild it in the JITPipeline everytime.

    Or, make one pass through the data and calculate the master record count and
    the detail record count so that you can continue to use the JITPipeline.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2002

  • edited October 2002
    Tying the data access components to a report (template) simplifies the
    problem. You are right, you don't have to, especially if you are using a
    JITPipeline. It may be simpler in your case to build the data access
    generically using RTTI to get the field names from your objects.

    Yes, the JIT events should have been created with Sender parameter. Here is
    an example which does this. We can't change the JITPipeline to support it,
    because it would break too many (every) currently distributed reports.



    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

This discussion has been closed.