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How to assign DataPipe to subreport in runtime...

edited September 2002 in Subreports
I have just downloaded ReportBuilder, so I'm new to it.

I have to load report from a database, create local datasources,
datapipelines and connect the neccessay stuff (Dataseta are on the form).
Report has a subreport and I don't know how to assign datapipe to the
subreport in code!
How do I access subreports on report in code?
How do I create Field links in DataPipelines in code?


And yes, I'm using Borland Builder (C++).


  • edited September 2002
    You can access a subreport datapipeline like this

    TppSubreport.Report.Datapipeline. The subreport class wraps a report object
    so that it effectively is an embedded report.

    To find the subreport, you can perform a report object loop. In the object
    loop, check to see if the component is a TppSubreport. By passing a report
    object in the function, you can recursively look for subreports by passing
    Subreport.Report when you find a subreport:

    procedure TForm1.AssignFontToReport(aFont: TFont; aReport: TppCustomReport);
    liBand: Integer;
    liObject: Integer;
    lObject: TppComponent;

    for liBand := 0 to aReport.BandCount-1 do
    for liObject := 0 to aReport.Bands[liBand].ObjectCount-1 do
    lObject := aReport.Bands[liBand].Objects[liObject];

    if lObject is TppSubreport then
    AssignFontToReport(aFont, TppSubreport(lObject).Report)

    else if lObject.HasFont then
    lObject.Font := aFont;



    Are you using master field links to perform master detail linking as it is
    done in DADE by using a single query for all detail records, instead of
    letting Delphi fire a detail query every tim ethe master record changes?
    Here is a demo of this approach:


    Below is an article on how to create the links at runtime:


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

    Tech Tip: Define Master/Detail DataPipeline Links in Code

    Defining a Master/Detail relationship for a DataPipeline
    requires that the detail pipeline have the
    following properties defined:

    1. MasterDataPipeline

    2. MasterFieldLinks

    At Delphi design-time you can use the object inspector
    and the DataPipeline's FieldLinks editor to define
    the master/detail relationship.

    The following example illustrates how to define the
    master/detail relationship dynamically at run-time.

    lFieldLink: TppMasterFieldLink;


    {define the master/detail pipeline relationship}
    plDetail.MasterDataPipeline := plMaster;

    {create a new field link }
    lFieldLink := TppMasterFieldLink.Create(nil);

    lFieldLink.Parent := plDetail;

    {assign the detail field name}
    lFieldLink.DetailFieldName := 'CustNo';

    {assign the master field name}
    lFieldLink.MasterFieldName := 'CustNo';


    Note: The DataPipeline linking requires the records in the detail dataset to
    be ordered by the linking fields. In the above example, the detail data must
    be ordered by CustNo.

    Tech Support mailto:support@digital-metaphors.com
    Digital Metaphors http://www.digital-metaphors.com

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