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Multiple Reports to PDF Problem

edited September 2002 in Subreports
I am a newbie so excuse the lack of understanding. I inherited a system
that generates multiple reports to a printer. I need to migrate these
reports to PDF files (using Waler's product). The problem I have is that
each report generates its own unique PDF file. I need them to all end up in
one file. I have scoured the demos/documentation and do not see any way to
combine multiple and unique forms into one larger form. Can anyone point me
in the right direction to solve this problem?

Greg Jones
Infraserv Technologies


  • edited September 2002
    What you can do is place each report in a section style subreport
    (Subreport.PrintBehavior) of a single main report. See the main reports demo
    #51 and 52 in the RBuilder\Demos\Repors directory for an example.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited September 2002
    Or, if you dont want to redo all your reports, there are several acrobat
    products on the market that will append them together or put watermarks on
    them, etc. So, if you could print them all to a directory and then stitch
    them all together that might work for you.
    Here is a site to start from


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