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List index out of bounds(0) error when viewing report in HTML

edited January 2009 in Server
?ISAPI webtier
Form Based RBServer

This project was working successfully before upgrading from RBserver
10.6 to RBServer 11.02.

Running the report in PDF and XLS formats work fine but recieve List
index out of bounds(0) error when requesting the report in HTML

Other items that may be of interest...
Compiling the RBServer.exe with 11.02 and using a 10.6 compiled webtier
produces access violation errors at run time.
Compiling webtier with 11.02 and using a 10.6 compiled RBServer.exe
produces access violations.
Could only get this working again by compiling both with the 11.02

TExtraDevices Version 3.00 (Oct 19, 2008 release) recompiled after 11.02
installation. Webtier produces error during compile in

[Pascal Error] rsWebAdapterPDFWaler.pas(71): E2003 Undeclared
identifier: 'reText'
[Pascal Error] rsWebAdapterPDFWaler.pas(71): E2003 Undeclared
identifier: 'reLine'
[Pascal Error] rsWebAdapterPDFWaler.pas(71): E2003 Undeclared
identifier: 'reRTF'
[Pascal Error] rsWebAdapterPDFWaler.pas(71): E2003 Undeclared
identifier: 'reCheckBox'
[Pascal Error] rsWebAdapterPDFWaler.pas(71): E2010 Incompatible
types: 'TReportExportItems' and 'Set'

Adding TXOption to the uses clause provided a successul compile and run,
except for the HTML option.

Any thoughts appreciated as I am sort of stuck on ideas at the moment.

--- posted by geoForum on http://delphi.newswhat.com


  • edited January 2009
    >?ISAPI webtier

    BTW - Before adding the TXOption to the uses clause of
    rsWebAdapterPDFWaler.pas, I completely removing TExtraDevices from my
    development machine and compiled everything without any remaining
    references to TExtraDevices and set interface {$DEFINE DEFAULT}
    {x$DEFINE WALER} and still produced the List out of bounds error when
    requesting in HTML.

    --- posted by geoForum on http://delphi.newswhat.com
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