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No data in report

edited January 2008 in Server
I am just trying to get up to speed with ReportBuilder Server as it has been
several years since I have used ReportBuilder. I have created a report in
my server program that produces a simple list of companies and addresses.
When I am in the report designer, I can preview the report and my data shows

The server uses a TrsReportTemplateVolume component to find the report
templates. When I run the server and hit the localhost site to view it, a
report is produced that has the layout like I have designed, but there is no
data on the report for the fields in the database.

Can someone shed any light on what I might be missing?



  • edited January 2008

    If you were encountering a database connection issue, then there would be an
    error page produced, rather than an empty report. So given that - my first
    guess is that the query returned no records and thus it is indeed an empty

    To debug reports running on the server,

    - compile RBServer\Demos\Clients\ReportExplorer and run it by double
    clicking the .exe from windows explorer.

    - run your report server project from within Delphi and use the Delphi

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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