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Print to excel

edited August 2007 in Server

i added some buttons to my navigationbar. One of the is a print to CSV
I seems to work fine but there is one thing i can't figure out.

When i push the button the browser asks if i want to open or save
report.xls. If i say open it opens report.csv in the cache directory.
(Notice the extension change).
If is say save. It save report.xls but its content is csv.

I am using 9.02 (with some .pas file Nard mailed me in oktober 2005).

Kan jou give me a hint where to look.

thanks in advance



  • edited August 2007

    Whatever I sent to you was likely adapted from the
    RBServer\Demos\WebTier\Custom Viewer example, which shows how to add an
    Excel button. The example defines a custom WebViewerFrameNav descendant
    class. Look at the source to the myWebViewerFrameNav class, my guess is
    there is an XSL reference somewhere that needs to be changed to TXT.

    If you still have an issue, zip up the source we sent and send to

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2007

    That should have read '...there is an XLS reference somewhere that needs to
    be changed"...

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2007

    The problem seems to be server related. Where i tested it i noticed thsi
    strange behavior but on an other machine it worked ok

    I am going to test it on the production machine and if it is working file
    there then i am not putting any effort in it any more.

    kind regards


    By the way, these where the files i mentioned:
    25-10-2005 12:12 11.971 rsWebContentProviderExplorerDynamic.pas
    25-10-2005 12:13 5.757 rsWebContentProviderExplorerStatic.pas
    25-10-2005 12:13 6.181 rsWebContentProviderReportFile.pas
    25-10-2005 12:15 4.954 rsWebContentProviderSearchForm.pas
    25-10-2005 12:15 8.210 rsWebContentProviderViewer.pas
    27-10-2005 15:10 4.666 rsXHTMLPage.pas
    27-10-2005 15:10 5.643 rsXHTMLTemplate.pas

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