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Invaild Template

edited March 2007 in Server
I currently have a server talking to my oracle DB after much tribulation.
Now when the server responds to the client when openning a report, a error
message of Invalid Template Format is returned.

How do I overcome this? Does something need to be included with the server?


--- posted by geoForum on http://delphi.newswhat.com


  • edited March 2007

    Article: Registering Classes with the Server.

    In order to minimize the overhead in reporting applications, ReportBuilder
    employs a unit level registration scheme (similar to component registration
    in Delphi.), whereby components and functionality can be added at the
    discretion of the developer. A report server application needs to include
    all of the classes required to execute the reports on the server.

    Unit Name Feature
    ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
    daDataModule DADE support. (DataModule related classes.)

    raCodMod RAP support (CodeModule related classes.)

    ppCTMain Crosstab support

    ppChrt TeeChart
    ppChrtDP Data-ware TeeChart

    myChkBox Checkbox components appear on the component palette when this unit

    ReportBuilder also uses the unit registration scheme to control which
    database connectivity options are provided by the application. The following
    DADE plug-ins are provided with ReportBuilder (for more options see the
    friends | data | DADE Plug-ins section of our web site,

    Unit Name Feature
    ---------- ----------
    daDBBDE BDE support

    daADO ADO support

    daIBExpress Interbase Express support

    daDBExpress dbExpress support.

    daADS Advantage support.

    daDOA Oracle support via the Direct Oracle Access components.

    daIBO InterBase support via the InterBase Objects components.

    daDBISAM DBISAM support.

    Tech Support mailto:support@digital-metaphors.com
    Digital Metaphors http://www.digital-metaphors.com

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited March 2007

    I have included all of the units you mentioned above. I have tried them in
    the Data Module, in the main form and in both places. After much hair
    pulling I remembered that the other devolper (who is on holidays) made
    some changes to daSQL when he was building the Report Builder. He added a
    property. How do I register this unit instead of the standard one?


    --- posted by geoForum on http://delphi.newswhat.com
  • edited March 2007

    - I think the simplest technique would be to copy the modified daSQL.pas to
    your project directory and then add it to your project.

    The Delphi environment library path is used by the compiler to find the
    units. Typically you would have RBuilder\Lib in your Delphi path. Some
    developers add an entry for RBuilder\Source just above the entry for
    RBuilder\Lib. Then they can use the debugger to trace into the RB Source
    code. Another option to the above would be to create a separate directory
    for any RB units that you modify and add a reference to that directory above
    the RBuilder\Lib, so the compiler will look there first.

    - as a starting point for getting the server application to work, I would
    first get a standard end-user application working - like the the examples
    shown in RBuilder\Demos\EndUser Databases\.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.