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Invalid Pointer

edited October 2006 in Server
Our RBServer has been running as a Window2003 service for several weeks
error free (the few times it failed we knew why). Today one of the reports
created a 'EInvalid Pointer, Invalid pointer operation' and stopped
RBServer. I tired duplicating the error on a development server and a
mirror of the db, but the report runs fine in the development/test
environment. Any ideas where to begin looking or what might cause this
error? Delphi2006, RB10.04, Oracle, ADO Connection, Form based reports.
Thanks for the help.


  • edited October 2006

    Make sure that the report form is thread-safe. Do not use any unit level
    'vars' or global objects. Use only instance variables.

    When testing in the development sever, try some tests in which two clients
    request the same report.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited October 2006

    RB Server is multi-threaded and will create a separate instance for each
    report that generates. The report must have a thread safe environment in
    which to execute.

    Avoid using global/unit level variables/objects in a server environment -
    because they are not thread-safe.

    Here are simple definitions...

    - a local variable is a variable declared inside a method
    - a parameter is variable that is passed to a method


    procedure TForm1.myFunction(aParameter: Integer);


    lsLocalVariable: String;


    - an instance variable is variable declared as part of a class. Instance
    variables can be private, protected, or public.


    TForm1 = class(TForm)

    FPrivateVariable: String;


    FPublicVariable: string;

    - a unit level variable (also called a global variable) is a variable that
    is not part of a class instance. These variables can be declared in the
    interface or implementation section and are /not/ thread safe.



    myGlobalVar: string;



    myUnitVar: string;

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited October 2006
    > Our RBServer has been running as a Window2003 service for several weeks

    We have seen this problem caused by RBServer leaving thousands of temporary
    files in c:\windows\temp. Delete those files and the problem goes away.

This discussion has been closed.