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Is this possible ?

edited February 2005 in Server
Is it possible to get some report as a file from the Web Server, with
TrsWebTier ? .. Is that the purpose of TrsWebContentProviderReport or
TrsWebContentProviderReportFile classes ?

In short, I need to get reports from the WebTier, not as Html + JScript to
see in a web browser, but as separated file (like a file to download) - the
reason to avoid direct connection with the Report Server is that my boss
wants to use only port 80 -




  • edited February 2005

    Yes, decendants of TrsWebContentProviderReportFile can do this. This how the
    PDF button that appears on the web report preview works. There is an example
    of adding an XLS button to the web report viewer that contains the source to
    a custom XLS file provider. Check out RBServer\Demos\WebTier\Custom

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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