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WIndows 3000 and Report Builder Server 7.04

edited February 2005 in Server
I'm hoping that you can help.

We are attempting to setup Report Builder server to run under Windows 2003.
We've added our ISAPI DLL to the Web Service Extensions and updated the
permissions (IUSR-) on the virtual directory where the ISAPI
DLL exists.

Here is the issue, when we attempt to setup the report.ini (in the same
directory as the ISAPI DLL) the dll does not seem to be reading the ini
file. We see the standard three frames come up with 'page not found' in
each when a report is requested. When we right clicking in a frame it shows
the root path/. The CacheDirectory property of the component had a
value in it and that value was used as the cache directory. The report
files were created in that directory. If we hard code the information
(CacheDirectory, WebCachePath, WebModuleURI) in the component, the report
comes up correctly. Looking at the cache directory under the ISAPI DLL
directory, the correct {GUID} directory is created when the component is
hard coded.

The ini fie worked correctly running under windows 2000 server and RB 7.04.
We simply copied the same exact directory structure over, installed the
Report Builder Server and setup IIS as described above.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Bill Geoghan


  • edited February 2005

    Check that

    a. TrsWebTier.IniSettings.Enabled is True
    b. TrsWebTier.IniSettings.FileName is valid, the default is

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2005
    Yes. TrsWebTier.IniSettings.Enabled is True and
    TrsWebTier.IniSettings.FileName is valid.

  • edited February 2005

    Just to clarify for me.

    1. For the Windows 2000 server, if you change the rbWebTier.ini file, are
    the new values used?

    2. For the Windows 2003 server, if you hard code the WebTier properties with
    the same values you are trying to store in the rbWebTier.ini, then it works

    We do not have currently have a Windows 2003 here, but if the access rights
    are sufficient, I would think that the WebTier application should be able to
    read the values from the .ini file.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2005
    Hello ,

    That is correct. The pathing is identical between the two machaines
    (d:\Ameritrack\Report Server\Web Tier). The Windows 2000 server functions


    That is correct.


    During our first attempt we had the CacheDirectory property set to a
    directory. The ISAPI DLL server usied that directory. It created the
    directory and the required files in that directory. If the directory and
    the files can be created in an entirely new path, it would not seem to be a
    access rights issue.

    I did some further testing and determined that it may be an issue with the
    $Application. When I hard code the ini path (e.g. (D:\Ameritrack\Report
    Server\Web Tier\report.ini) and clear the other pathing properties, it
    works correctly. When I substitute the ini path with the $Application (e.g.
    ($Application)\report.ini) the report does not work correctly. Just the 3
    frames are displayed as described before.



  • edited February 2005

    The TrsIniSettings class uses TppFileUtils to resolve the directory path.



    if IsLibrary then
    lsDirectoryPath := TppFileUtils.GetLibraryFilePath
    lsDirectoryPath := TppFileUtils.GetApplicationFilePath;

    For an ISAPI dll the Delphi global IsLibrary variable should return true.

    Check out the code in RBuilder\Source\ppFileUtils.pas. You might try adding
    some code to your ISAPI dll to execute the above code and write the result
    out to a .txt file so that you can see the value it is resolving to.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2005
    The DLL Path is returned as follows :

    \\?\D:\Ameritrack\Report Server\Web Tier\

    under windows 2003.


  • edited March 2005
    I'm getting the same behavior on my windows 2003 server. The DLL Path is
    resolving to


    I copied the ppFileUtils.pas to my project folder and modified the
    TppFileUtils.GetLibraryFilePath to remove the '\\?\' string, but things
    still aren't quite right.

    When does the TrsWebTier load the IniSettings? Can we start with
    IniSettings.Enabled false, force the IniSettings.Filename to the right path,
    then Load? Is there another way to assign TrsWebTier properties at runtime?


    Jay Schiappa
    Occusoft Corp.

  • edited March 2005

    The information stored in the rbWebTier.ini is read when the WebTier.Loaded
    method executes. The Delphi streaming system calls TComponent.Loaded, "The
    streaming system calls this method after it loads the component's form from
    a stream (i.e. the dfm)."See the Delphi online help for more details.

    The Form.OnCreate event fires after the Loaded method for the components.

    The WebTier.OnCreate event occurs just before the WebTier loads the
    information from the ini file.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.