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Passing huge string parameters through WebTier app

edited May 2004 in Server

Here's my case :

I have an app that is my ReportServer (it has many forms with many ppReport
registered in RBServer catalog).

Then I have a WebTier dll (ServerReportWebTier.dll) registered in IIS. This
WebTier is conected to the ReportServer app.

And I have a IntraWeb app that has a form that has a button that calls a
report from the WebTier app.

To call the report I'm using the following URL :
http://localhost/Test3/ServerReportWebTier.dll/RAAtiv?content=viewer&volume=Relatorios&name=Areas de Atividade&zoom=100&folder=v0&InitialDate=01/01/2004&SomeCode=123

In this call I must pass many parameters and one of them is a SQL Where
clause that may have many chars (in tests I found a Internet Explorer limit
for URL size that is about 1800 chars).
In some cases my URL will be greater than this limit.

So, I ask : is there some other way to pass these parameters (this huge
string that is a piece of a SQL statement) ?


Jose Carlos


  • edited May 2004

    You need to use an HTTP Post method rather than a Get method. A Get method
    has a length limitation, but a Post does not.

    Typically a Post method is used to submit a form.

    The WebTier's AutoSearch forms use a Post. Here is an example taken from our
    live server demo. (You can view this in your web browser by running one of
    the autosearch reports in our demo and performing a view | source on the
    AutoSearch form displayed in your browser).

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited May 2004
    Hi, thanks Nard for the answer.

    In fact, I'm using this code on Onclick event of a Button (remenber this
    button is on a IntraWeb app) :

    AddToInitProc('NewWindow(''' +
    'http://localhost/Test3/ServerReportWebTier.dll/RAAtiv'+'REST OF MY HUGE
    URL''', ''MyWindow'', '''');');

    But the way u is proposing seems to be better.

    How can I use the way u told me ? Where exactly I must put this piece of
    code of your exemple (something like that) ?
    I'm not using AutoSearchParameters (because I thought to pass my params in
    the URL the way I did before would be more easy). But if u think it's better
    to use AutoSearchParams, I'll try, and of course, would be more easy if u
    give me some guidelines, tips, etc. :-)

    By the way, whats the main differences between these two ways I can pass
    params ?

    Thank you very much

    Jose Carlos

    Jos? Carlos Marcusso Jr
    SiStech - Sistemas de Informa??o
    Fone: (19) 3453-8827

  • edited May 2004

    You are really asking an HTML/HTTP question. HTTP supports types of
    requests, HTTP Get and HTTP Post.

    1. Here is an example of a Get


    So we have a URL followed by a '?', followed by the parameters.

    2. An HTTP Post can be issued from HTML by using an HTML Form. Example:

    When a Form is submitted all of the form input elements are sent to the web
    server as part of the request. You can define Hidden input elements to send

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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