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Cannot generate report

edited September 2001 in General
D5 Enterprise Report Builder 6.02 Enterprise The report is set to two pass,
it has one subreport, with a group set to keep together

I just converted from RB 5.2 to 6.02 because I was getting the error "Cannot
Generate Report. Band height cannot exceed page height." as soon as the
report tried to preview. After I loaded 6.02, if I don't preview and go
straight to the printer it prints fine. If I preview, it shows the first
page fine. At the bottom it says page 1 of 3 (which is the correct number
of pages), but if I try to go to the second page I get the error cannot
generate report access violation at address 00000000. Read of address


  • edited September 2001
    What is happening in your event handlers? Can you send us a demo report?


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited September 2001
    I have an event on the preview form create that forces the screen to show
    maximized and at 100 percent, and one other event on the DBText which will
    right justify if it is a number or left justify if it is a string. I
    removed both events just to see if that would work and I still get the

    I'm going to try to see if I can create a small demo and send to you

  • edited September 2001
    I never could get a demo to create the error, but I did find a work around
    for my problem. My users are allowed to select which fields they would like
    to print, and I was creating DBText fields and labels in code based on their
    selection. I noticed that I didn't get the error, if I didn't create the
    components through code.

    What I decided to do now was to place all the DBText fields on the report
    and make them visible and invisible based on the user selection. It makes
    things a little jumbled in the report, but at least it works.

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