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I seek the file dsgnintf.pas for Delphi 6.

edited September 2001 in General
I seek the file dsgnintf.pas for delphi 6, because I have a component that
makes reference to ReportBuilder and when I recompile my component he asks
for this file, the compiler no it accepts dsgnintf.dcu.

I thank all.


  • edited September 2001
    That is a Delphi file and has been renamed for Delphi 6. I hope you have
    the source code for your 3rd party component. The new name of the unit, I
    believe is designintf.dcu.

  • edited September 2001

    In D6, the unit is called DesignIntf.

    It is NOT included as a .dcu - only inside a Delphi design-time only
    package. This unit is only referenced in RB units that are part of an RB
    design-time only package.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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