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Dynamically add/remove fields from data dictionary...

edited August 2001 in General

Our application will be allowing users to add/remove fields to a table in
our database. Of course, we now need to allow that field to be selected
from the RB data dictionary and added to reports.

Question #1: I can see where I can use AppendFieldRecord to add a new field
to the data dictionary, but is there a method to handle deleting of a field
record from the data dictionary? If not, what would be the best way to do
this? Can I simply do a FindKey on the record(s) I want in rbFields and
then delete them, or is there more to it (assume there are no joins involved
on these fields)? I don't want to compromise the integrity of the

FYI: We are using RB 6.01 in Delphi 5.0 with Paradox tables.

Vinnie Murdico
Software with Brains, Inc.


  • edited August 2001
    You can delete the records in the database tables for Tables, Fields and
    Joins. Then update the metacache in Dade by adding daMetaData to your uses
    clause and then call gMetaData.Clear (global singleton object) which clears
    the cached info from Dade, so that the newly deleted table/field/join
    doesn't show up in the Dade query tools.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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