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BOF/EOF Error?

edited August 2001 in General

I'm very new to RB and have encountered this error in multiple places:

EOleException: "Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been
deleted. Requested operation requires a current record."

I have setup a simple application that executes the report explorer on a
button OnClick. This application is nearly identical to the tutorial
"Building an End-User Reporting Application" except that I am using MSSQL
through the ADO instead of Paradox through the BDE.

I have a ReportExplorer, Designer, and Report (apparently) properly linked.
I have an ADOConnection, ADODataSet, DataSource, and DBPipeline set up for
my Database, Folder Table, and Item Table (all in a DataModule). I am
running RB6 in Delphi5 on Win98.

I am encountering the error when I attempt to use either the Query Wizard or
Query Designer. I can see the list of tables present in my SQL database and
can add a table. When I add a second table or move to the next tab, I
receive the error.

I got this same error earlier, before I started looking at the data tab,
when I exited the program. I solved this error by closing the ADOConnection
myself (on DataModule close).

Where is this error coming from? What can I do to prevent it?

Thanks in advance!
-- Chris


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