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My reports don't save DataPipeline properties!!!!

edited August 2001 in General
* I have 6 ppreports in one form (Form4)
* I have every bdepipelines in another form (Form5)
* I have every datasources in the main form (Form1)

In Unit4, there is a call to Unit5 and Unit1 (uses Unit1, Unit5;)
In Unit5, there is a call to Unit1 and Unit4 (uses Unit1, Unit4;)

With ReportBuilder 5.5 it worked correctly, then I downloaded and installed
6.0 and then 6.01, but now it doen's work
The DataPipeline of each report is not saved. If I try to "search" the
bdepipelines clicking-down in the DataPipeline propertie, it is empty, and I
have to modify-save the Unit to refresh the list.

What's wrong?


  • edited August 2001

    RB 6.0 had a problem with 'seeing' datapipeline that were located on
    another form.

    RB 6.01 should contain a fix.

    Perhaps there is some case that does not work. Please send a simple
    example to support@digital-metaphors.com and we can check it out here.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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