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Can't install RB TeeChart 5.0 Components

edited July 2001 in General

I am using Delphi 6 Pro, and just had installed the new TeeChart components
for Delphi 6 (Version 5.02). After installing and checking their
functionality, I installed RB version 6.0 (7/11/2001). Everything went fine,
except the support for the new TeeChart 5 components.

When I open the 'install packages' dialog in Delphi and try to check the
'ReportBuilder TeeChart 5.0 Components' check box, I receive an error
message like this (sorry for any translation errors): 'Package tee60 can't
be loaded. It contains unit 'TeeAbout' which is also contained in package
Tee56.' Bang...

What's the problem? I have twice uninstalled TeeChart and RB, and have
re-installed them in the proper order.

Kind regards from Germany,
Mike :-)


  • edited July 2001
    I went to download release for TeeChart 5.02, but I could only find a beta
    version for D6.

    Since we don't have a copy of their official D6 release, we have not yet
    rebuilt our Teechart packages to support it.

    We only have current support for TeeChart which is intalled with D6. You'll
    want to build with runtime packages to get around the IEditCha compile

    Thankyou, for your patience.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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