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Custom Parameters in ASP COM Application

edited June 2003 in Server
In the demos for custom parameters, all of the examples are built with Web
It is mentioned in the comments in the code that it is possible to convert
these examples to ASP, ISAPI, or Apache apps.
I am wanting to use an ASP COM component for my web tier. I already have one
built and it work great. But I am not sure how to implement custom
parameters for it.

How can I start converting my ASP COM component to use custom parameters?
Would I need to do any changes and the server app as well?
What I would like to achieve is to enter a parameter in an html text box,
pass this with the report name to the server and display the report using
that parameter, bypassing the autoseach box that appears.

Thanks in advance!
Attached below is my previous post.

Clinton Cooper

This type of control will be supported by the next release.

Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors


  • edited June 2003

    For an example of using the WebTier within a ASP solution, check out
    RBServer\Demos\WebTier\ASP. There is ReadMe.doc that explains the example.

    The example defines a single interface called IReport that contains a single
    method called ProcessWebRequest. The IReport interface is implemented by the
    TReports class:

    TReports = class(TASPMTSObject, IReports)
    function ProcessWebRequest(var QueryString, ContentString: OleVariant):
    OleVariant; safecall;

    The ISAPI custom parameters demo includes action event-handlers for a
    default action, a login form, a report parameter form and an autosearch
    form. You could add IReports methods corresponding to each these and then
    implement them in the TReports class. You could then call these methods from
    the ASP pages.

    The methods would all of the same calling signature as the ProcessWebRequest

    ProcessWebLoginPageRequest(var QueryString, ContentString: OleVariant):
    OleVariant; safecall;

    ProcessWebReportParametersRequest(var QueryString, ContentString:
    OleVariant): OleVariant; safecall;

    ProcessWebAutoSearchParametersRequest(var QueryString, ContentString:
    OleVariant): OleVariant; safecall;

    Once you implement the above, then you could copy the following methods from
    the ISAPI custom parameters example:

    {web page generators}
    function GetLoginPage(aWebRequest: TrsWebRequest): String;
    function GetReportParametersPage(aWebRequest: TrsWebRequest): String;
    function GetAutoSearchParametersPage(aWebRequest: TrsWebRequest):
    function GetCustomerSearchPage(aWebRequest: TrsWebRequest): String;

    {web request processing}
    function ProcessDefaultRequest(aWebRequest: TrsWebRequest): String;
    function ProcessLogInRequest(aWebRequest: TrsWebRequest): String;
    function ProcessReportParameterRequest(aWebRequest: TrsWebRequest):
    function ProcessAutoSearchRequest(aWebRequest: TrsWebRequest): String;



    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2003
    Thanks Nard,
    I'll try that out.

This discussion has been closed.